The role of information technology

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With teams constantly aging, winning the hearts of young and talented new employees is a key factor for many companies. So if you want to succeed in this ongoing “war for talents”, it’s worth making sure that your IT solutions, business processes and internal collaboration are simply perfect.

Information technology is key to recruiting an employee

The candidate selects a new employer based partly on the quality of your IT system

The role of information technology in our daily lives is constantly increasing. Its importance is no longer surprising. Technology is important not only in our private life, but also in business life. We are currently doing more and more work in front of the computer. Especially when we work from home. Recent studies show that office workers appreciate well-implemented systems. About 80% of respondents indicate that information technology determines whether a person can work optimally. More and more often, bad solutions and poor implementations are a reason not to accept a new job offer. Or even leave the current employer.

The company’s IT system may be the dealbreaker to start cooperation  

The role of information technology

The state of the employer’s IT can be decisive when it comes to finding a job or a quitting. For one third of the youngest generation of employees (millennials), positive opinions about the IT situation in the company are a reason to start working. For a third of employees, technical stress and restrictive IT systems may be enough important reason to find another job.

The ‘2021 State of Work’ report by Workfront (an Adobe subsidiary) shows that there are differences between countries and generations when it comes to decisions related to IT frustration or positive experiences. 37% of all millennials consider the state of information systems when choosing a job, compared with 26% of Generation X. In half of the cases, British and American workers indicate that they want to leave if IT constrains them. In the case of Germany, this affects more than a quarter of the workforce.

The right IT system is the key to employee satisfaction

No wonder academics consider well-designed information systems important in their work. About 80% indicate that information technology is (very) important to improving their productivity. Only committed managers are considered more valuable and significant. A third of respondents indicate that they could be more productive and engaged if they will have better IT support. Examples of this support include better delivery of information for planning and prioritization, for remote collaboration, with an intuitive user interface. And the automation of daily routine tasks.

IT is also seen as an important tool for good collaboration with other employees. About 60% of respondents say they rely on information technology. For example, due to collaboration, work management, communication, planning and organization. 80% of respondents believe that teamwork is essential to keep a job.

Win the war for talents

With teams constantly aging, winning the hearts of young and talented new employees is a key factor for many companies. So if you want to succeed in this ongoing “war for talents“, it’s worth making sure that your IT solutions, business processes and internal collaboration are simply perfect.

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