
Visual scheduling software – Netronic

Netronic solutions enable any company in the SME sector to achieve operational efficiency thanks to visual scheduling. Netronic offers 3 types of visual scheduling software supporting Microsoft’s ERP users.

Netronic solutions enable any company in the SME sector to achieve operational efficiency thanks to visual scheduling software. Netronic supports users of Business Central and Dynamics NAV systems by offering them advanced tools for visual scheduling. The solutions support both production planning and task planning.

Netronic offers 3 types of visual scheduling software supporting Microsoft’s ERP users.:

  1. Visual Production Scheduler – VPS
  2. Visual Advanced Production Scheduler – VAPS
  3. Visual Jobs Scheduler – VJS

Advantages of visual planning scheduling software:

  • Transparency gives control. Thanks to production scheduling and resource utilization, it is easier to locate bottlenecks, problems, and dependencies. Obstacles are immediately visible. This transparency puts you in control of the plan – even in the event of unforeseen events.
  • More control means less firefighting. The appropriate level of (automatic) control over the implementation of the plan means that you do not have to spend so much time on everyday processes and problems. You no longer need to react, but actively control your plan and production.
  • Better decisions. Thanks to Netronic, decisions are made with greater certainty. The solution enables faster identification of bottlenecks. Make better use of resources. Provide customers with more accurate information on delivery times. Meet your deadlines consistently. Make better decisions with a tool that will allow you to concentrate on your work.

Advantages of Netronic solutions:

  • Easy to implement
  • Intuitive interface,
  • Immediate data visualization
  • Informed decisions,
  • Faster understanding of production schedule,
  • Seamless integration with Business Central,
  • The entire schedule (production orders and machining centers) is visible at a glance,
  • Drag-and-drop scheduling and visual alerts.

Differences between the Visual Production Scheduler and the Advanced Production Scheduler

 Visual Production SchedulerAdvanced Production Scheduler
1.Integrates with a standard production module (based on standard functionality)It integrates with the standard production module and improves it
2.Clean manual drag-and-drop scheduling (overloads machine centers)Drag-and-drop scheduling takes into account a schedule with limited capacity
3.No scheduling automatism(Semi-automatic) automatic scheduling tools
4.Fast installationFast installation
5.No customization / configurationConfiguration requirements
6.Relatively low training requirements(Much) higher training requirements

Visual Production Scheduler – VPS

VPS provides operational flexibility by converting all production related tables into an interactive production order and Gantt chart for resources. The solution helps you stay up to date with activities and meet delivery dates by visualizing your production schedule and enabling quick corrective action.

Visual Advanced Production Scheduler – VAPS

VAPS zapewnia wizualne zaawansowane planowanie produkcji jako rozszerzenie do Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Pozwala w wizualny sposób zarządzać harmonogramem produkcji i ograniczonych zdolności produkcyjnych. Z VAPS możesz zdefiniować alternatywne centra maszyn, z uwzględnieniem dostępność materiałów, przypinać zlecenia produkcyjne. A także stosować liczne schematy kolorów, Dzięki temu możesz w prosty sposób kontrolować harmonogram za pomocą łatwego do zrozumienia narzędzia „przeciągania i upuszczania”.

Visual Jobs Scheduler – VJS

Visual Jobs Scheduler (VJS) is an extension that fully integrates with Dynamics 365 Business Central's task and resource scheduling modules. VJS provides the user with an interactive projecting and scheduling, and enables easy and intuitive planning of work, tasks, work scheduling lines and resources by drag-and-drop. The extension is based on the standard functionality of Dynamics 365 Business Central and can be installed without changing the existing facility.